Results for 'Thomas A. Nevins'

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  1.  16
    Nietzsche’s Protestant Fathers: A Study in Prodigal Christianity.Thomas R. Nevin - 2018 - Routledge.
    Nietzsche was famously an atheist, despite coming from a strongly Protestant family. This heritage influenced much of his thought, but was it in fact the very thing that led him to his atheism? This work provides a radical re-assessment of Protestantism by documenting and extrapolating Nietzsche's view that Christianity dies from the head down. That is, through Protestantism's inherent anarchy. In this book, Nietzsche is put into conversation with the initiatives of several powerful thinking writers; Luther, Boehme, Leibniz, and Lessing. (...)
  2. Papias's Prologue and the Probability of Parallels.Nevin Climenhaga - 2020 - Journal of Biblical Literature 139 (3):591-596.
    Several scholars, including Martin Hengel, R. Alan Culpepper, and Richard Bauckham, have argued that Papias had knowledge of the Gospel of John on the grounds that Papias’s prologue lists six of Jesus’s disciples in the same order that they are named in the Gospel of John: Andrew, Peter, Philip, Thomas, James, and John. In “A Note on Papias’s Knowledge of the Fourth Gospel” (JBL 129 [2010]: 793–794), Jake H. O’Connell presents a statistical analysis of this argument, according to which (...)
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    Degrees of convex dependence in recursively enumerable vector spaces.Thomas A. Nevins - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 60 (1):31-47.
    Let W be a recursively enumerable vector space over a recursive ordered field. We show the Turing equivalence of the following sets: the set of all tuples of vectors in W which are linearly dependent; the set of all tuples of vectors in W whose convex closures contain the zero vector; and the set of all pairs of tuples in W such that the convex closure of X intersects the convex closure of Y. We also form the analogous sets consisting (...)
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    Northwestern university.Newton N. Minow, Thomas G. Ayers, John J. Louis, John J. Nevin, Don H. Reuben & Howard J. Trienens - forthcoming - Minerva.
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  5. Inference to the Best Explanation Made Incoherent.Nevin Climenhaga - 2017 - Journal of Philosophy 114 (5):251-273.
    Defenders of Inference to the Best Explanation claim that explanatory factors should play an important role in empirical inference. They disagree, however, about how exactly to formulate this role. In particular, they disagree about whether to formulate IBE as an inference rule for full beliefs or for degrees of belief, as well as how a rule for degrees of belief should relate to Bayesianism. In this essay I advance a new argument against non-Bayesian versions of IBE. My argument focuses on (...)
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  6. Intuitions are Used as Evidence in Philosophy.Nevin Climenhaga - 2018 - Mind 127 (505):69-104.
    In recent years a growing number of philosophers writing about the methodology of philosophy have defended the surprising claim that philosophers do not use intuitions as evidence. In this paper I defend the contrary view that philosophers do use intuitions as evidence. I argue that this thesis is the best explanation of several salient facts about philosophical practice. First, philosophers tend to believe propositions which they find intuitive. Second, philosophers offer error theories for intuitions that conflict with their theories. Finally, (...)
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  7. An Unsurpassable World.Nevin Climenhaga - 2025 - In Justin J. Daeley, Optimism and The Best Possible World. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge. pp. 213-236.
    Historically, philosophers who thought our world unsurpassable, like Leibniz, thought it the uniquely best of all possible worlds. But recent developments in value theory and philosophy of religion make clear that our world could be unsurpassable, but not uniquely best—because other worlds are still as good as or incomparable with it. In particular, the world may contain infinities that result in incomparability with many other worlds. This chapter advances the recent philosophical debate over whether it is tenable to hold that (...)
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  8. Infinite Value and the Best of All Possible Worlds.Nevin Climenhaga - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 97 (2):367-392.
    A common argument for atheism runs as follows: God would not create a world worse than other worlds he could have created instead. However, if God exists, he could have created a better world than this one. Therefore, God does not exist. In this paper I challenge the second premise of this argument. I argue that if God exists, our world will continue without end, with God continuing to create value-bearers, and sustaining and perfecting the value-bearers he has already created. (...)
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    Legality’s Law’s Empire.Nevin Johnson - 2020 - Law and Philosophy 39 (3):325-349.
    Scott Shapiro’s Legality argues the positivist Planning Theory of law meets the anti-positivist challenge posed by the argument from theoretical disagreements about law in Ronald Dworkin’s Law’s Empire. Legality equates theoretical disagreements with what Shapiro calls meta-interpretive disagreements, and then offers a legal theory of meta-interpretation that purportedly accounts for the existence of meta-interpretive disagreements by showing how it is rational or intelligible for legal actors to have such disagreements. This paper argues Legality misconstrues Law’s Empire. The true challenge of (...)
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    Evaluation of nursing students' training in medical law.Nevin Kuzu Kurban, Halide Savaş, Bengü Çetinkaya, Türkan Turan & Asiye Kartal - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (6):759-768.
    There is no co-ordinated focus on liabilities arising from nurses’ medical interventions in terms of occupational, administrative, civil legal and criminal activities. However, the Turkish Criminal Code, the Turkish Medical Ethics Code of Practice, and guidelines for patients’ rights offer some framework for the relevant ethical principles and responsibilities of nurses. The aim of this study was to investigate the evaluation of nursing students’ training in their legal liabilities. The sample consisted of 309 students who were taking a course entitled (...)
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    Unpacking Relational Dignity: In Pursuit of an Ethic of Care for Outdoor Therapies.Nevin J. Harper & Carina Ribe Fernee - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Dignity is a universal principle that requires us to treat every person as having worth beyond who a particular person is or what they do. Dignity is a complex and sometimes contested idea, that at times can be compromised in health care and allegedly also within the practice of outdoor therapy. Outdoor therapies comprise a range of therapeutic approaches including nature-based therapy, adventure therapy, animal-assisted therapy, forest therapy, wilderness therapy, surf therapy, and more. Within the literature of outdoor therapies there (...)
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  12. Epistemic Probabilities are Degrees of Support, not Degrees of (Rational) Belief.Nevin Climenhaga - 2024 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 108 (1):153-176.
    I argue that when we use ‘probability’ language in epistemic contexts—e.g., when we ask how probable some hypothesis is, given the evidence available to us—we are talking about degrees of support, rather than degrees of belief. The epistemic probability of A given B is the mind-independent degree to which B supports A, not the degree to which someone with B as their evidence believes A, or the degree to which someone would or should believe A if they had B as (...)
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    Sappho 44: Creativity and Pedagogy with Ancient Poetry, Pottery, and Modern Animation.Sonya Nevin - 2019 - Clotho 1 (2):5-15.
    The Panoply Vase Animation Project has created a new animation from the decoration on an ancient Greek hydria. The vase depicts the poet Sappho with a lyre. The animation enables her to move, touch the strings, and play the instrument. It also features the words from Fragment 44 of her poetry and geometric figures acting out the poem. The music accompanying the animation was scored from the original poem and therefore offers the melody that the poem would have been sung (...)
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  14. Molinism: Explaining our Freedom Away.Nevin Climenhaga & Daniel Rubio - 2022 - Mind 131 (522):459-485.
    Molinists hold that there are contingently true counterfactuals about what agents would do if put in specific circumstances, that God knows these prior to creation, and that God uses this knowledge in choosing how to create. In this essay we critique Molinism, arguing that if these theses were true, agents would not be free. Consider Eve’s sinning upon being tempted by a serpent. We argue that if Molinism is true, then there is some set of facts that fully explains both (...)
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  15. Evidence and Inductive Inference.Nevin Climenhaga - 2023 - In Maria Lasonen-Aarnio & Clayton Littlejohn, The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Evidence. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 435-449.
    This chapter presents a typology of the different kinds of inductive inferences we can draw from our evidence, based on the explanatory relationship between evidence and conclusion. Drawing on the literature on graphical models of explanation, I divide inductive inferences into (a) downwards inferences, which proceed from cause to effect, (b) upwards inferences, which proceed from effect to cause, and (c) sideways inferences, which proceed first from effect to cause and then from that cause to an additional effect. I further (...)
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  16. The structure of epistemic probabilities.Nevin Climenhaga - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 177 (11):3213-3242.
    The epistemic probability of A given B is the degree to which B evidentially supports A, or makes A plausible. This paper is a first step in answering the question of what determines the values of epistemic probabilities. I break this question into two parts: the structural question and the substantive question. Just as an object’s weight is determined by its mass and gravitational acceleration, some probabilities are determined by other, more basic ones. The structural question asks what probabilities are (...)
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  17. If We Can’t Tell What Theism Predicts, We Can’t Tell Whether God Exists: Skeptical Theism and Bayesian Arguments from Evil.Nevin Climenhaga - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Religion.
    According to a simple Bayesian argument from evil, the evil we observe is less likely given theism than given atheism, and therefore lowers the probability of theism. I consider the most common skeptical theist response to this argument, according to which our cognitive limitations make the probability of evil given theism inscrutable. I argue that if skeptical theists are right about this, then the probability of theism given evil is itself largely inscrutable, and that if this is so, we ought (...)
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    Thomas Jefferson and the Politics of Nature.Thomas S. Engeman - 2000
    A collection of late 20th-century scholarship devoted to Thomas Jefferson as a politician, writer, philosopher, Christian and economist.
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  19. How Infallibilists Can Have It All.Nevin Climenhaga - 2023 - The Monist 106 (4):363-380.
    I advance a novel argument for an infallibilist theory of knowledge, according to which we know all and only those propositions that are certain for us. I argue that this theory lets us reconcile major extant theories of knowledge, in the following sense: for any of these theories, if we require that its central condition (evidential support, reliability, safety, etc.) obtains to a maximal degree, we get a theory of knowledge extensionally equivalent to infallibilism. As such, the infallibilist can affirm (...)
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    Disappointment expression evokes collective guilt and collective action in intergroup conflict: the moderating role of legitimacy perceptions.Nevin Solak, Michal Reifen Tagar, Smadar Cohen-Chen, Tamar Saguy & Eran Halperin - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1112-1126.
    Research on intergroup emotions has largely focused on the experience of emotions and surprisingly little attention has been given to the expression of emotions. Drawing on the social-functional approach to emotions, we argue that in the context of intergroup conflicts, outgroup members’ expression of disappointment with one’s ingroup induces the complementary emotion of collective guilt and correspondingly a collective action protesting ingroup actions against the outgroup. In Study 1 conducted immediately after the 2014 Gaza war, Jewish-Israeli participants received information about (...)
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    Heuristic inquiry: researching human experience holistically.Nevine Sultan - 2019 - Los Angeles: SAGE Publications.
    What is heuristic inquiry, anyway? -- Locating heuristic inquiry within contemporary qualitative research -- Philosophical and theoretical foundations of heuristic inquiry -- Heuristic processes and phases -- Heuristic research design -- Heuristic data collection, organization, and analysis -- Relationality, reflexivity, and meaning-making -- Evaluating the research: a collaborative process -- Writing a living manuscript: an embodied relational approach -- Ethics of heuristic research -- Universal applications of heuristic inquiry: bridging research and living experience -- An ending, beginning.
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  22. Invariance Principles as Regulative Ideals: From Wigner to Hilbert: Thomas Ryckman.Thomas Ryckman - 2008 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 63:63-80.
    Eugene Wigner's several general discussions of symmetry and invariance principles are among the canonical texts of contemporary philosophy of physics. Wigner spoke from a position of authority, having pioneered for recognition of the importance of symmetry principles from nuclear to molecular physics. But perhaps recent commentators have not sufficiently stressed that Wigner always took care to situate the notion of invariance principles with respect to two others, initial conditions and laws of nature. Wigner's first such general consideration of invariance principles, (...)
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    Ethical Values and Long-term Orientation.Jennifer L. Nevins, William O. Bearden & Bruce Money - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 71 (3):261-274.
    Lapses in ethical conduct by those in corporate and public authority worldwide have given business researchers and practitioners alike cause to re-examine the antecedents to personal ethical values. We explore the relationship between ethical values and an individual’s long-term orientation or LTO, defined as the degree to which one plans for and considers the future, as well as values traditions of the past. Our study also examines the role of work ethic and conservative attitudes in the formation of a person’s (...)
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  24. Causal Inference from Noise.Nevin Climenhaga, Lane DesAutels & Grant Ramsey - 2021 - Noûs 55 (1):152-170.
    "Correlation is not causation" is one of the mantras of the sciences—a cautionary warning especially to fields like epidemiology and pharmacology where the seduction of compelling correlations naturally leads to causal hypotheses. The standard view from the epistemology of causation is that to tell whether one correlated variable is causing the other, one needs to intervene on the system—the best sort of intervention being a trial that is both randomized and controlled. In this paper, we argue that some purely correlational (...)
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    Thomas More's silence and the ethics of conscience.Thomas Mathew Pooley - 2019 - Moreana 56 (2):190-212.
    This article explores silence and the ethics of conscience through a study of the life and late letters of Sir Thomas More. More's silence is a paradigm case for the contest of conscience under conditions of tyranny, and it is one of the most influential in the formulation of principles of conscience and human rights in modern constitutional democracies. The article focuses on More's prosecution by King Henry VIII, and offers close analysis of the concept of conscience discussed in (...)
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    Thomas Fuller's The holy state and the profane state.Thomas Fuller - 1938 - New York: Columbia University Press. Edited by Maximilian Graff Walten.
    I. Introduction, notes, and appendix -- II. A facsimile of the first edition, 1642, reduced in size.
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    Thomas Reid - Essays on the Active Powers of Man.Thomas Reid, Knud Haakonssen & James Harris - 2010 - Edinburgh University Press.
    The Essays on the Active Powers of Man was Thomas Reid's last major work. It was conceived as part of one large work, intended as a final synoptic statement of his philosophy. The first and larger part was published three years earlier as Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man. These two works are united by Reid's basic philosophy of common sense, which sets out native principles by which the mind operates in both its intellectual and active aspects. The (...)
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    Nicholas Winding Refn's Abject Male: Inhibiting Spectator-Identification in Bronson (2008) and Drive.Barry Nevin & Aoife O'Connor - 2022 - Substance 51 (2):38-60.
    Abstract:Nicholas Winding Refn regularly appears to offer men as his audience's main point of identification. Yet these men are predominantly transgressive characters who frequently, if not constantly, frustrate spectator-identification and consequently linger on the periphery of cinematic paradigms. In three stages, this article analyses how Refn's violent male characters affect spectatorship. First, it considers the unstable subject mechanisms for spectator-identification afforded by classical Hollywood cinema. Second, it examines Julia Kristeva's psychoanalytical theorization of the abject and outlines the relevance of her (...)
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  29. On formal universals in phonology.Andrew Nevins - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (5):461-462.
    Understanding the universal aspects of human language structure requires comparison at multiple levels of analysis. While Evans & Levinson (E&L) focus mostly on substantive variation in language, equally revealing insights can come from studying formal universals. I first discuss how Artificial Grammar Experiments can test universal preferences for certain types of abstract phonological generalizations over others. I then discuss moraic onsets in the language Arrernte, and how its apparent substantive variation ultimately rests on a formal universal regarding syllable-weight sensitivity.
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  30. (4 other versions)The Road since Structure.Thomas S. Kuhn - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:3-13.
    A highly condensed account of the author's present view of some philosophical problems unresolved in The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. The concept of incommensurability, now considerably developed, remains at center stage, but the evolutionary metaphor, introduced in the final pages of the book, now also plays a principal role.
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    Thomas Kuhn.Thomas Nickles (ed.) - 2002 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary Philosophy in Focus offers a series of introductory volumes to many of the dominant philosophical thinkers of the current age. Thomas Kuhn, the author of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, is probably the best-known and most influential historian and philosopher of science of the last 25 years, and has become something of a cultural icon. His concepts of paradigm, paradigm change and incommensurability have changed the way we think about science. This volume offers an introduction to Kuhn's life (...)
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    To Be The First Recipient In An Extract of A Historical Kıt’a.Nevin GÜMÜŞ - 2010 - Journal of Turkish Studies 5:1174-1185.
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    The last writings of Thomas S. Kuhn: incommensurability in science.Thomas S. Kuhn - 2022 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Edited by Bojana Mladenović.
    This book contains the text of Thomas Kuhn's unfinished book, The Plurality of Worlds: An Evolutionary Theory of Scientific Development, which Kuhn himself described as "a return to the central claims of The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and the problems that it raised but did not resolve." The Plurality of Worlds is preceded by two related texts that Kuhn publicly delivered but never published in English: his paper "Scientific Knowledge as a Historical Product" and his Shearman Memorial Lectures, "The (...)
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    The validity and reliability study of the Turkish version of the Ethical Awareness Scale.Gülcan Eyüboğlu, Nevin Doğan, Arnel Böke Kiliçli, Zehra Göçmen Baykara & Aimee Milliken - forthcoming - Ethics and Behavior.
    The heightened focus on patient safety and the quality of nursing care in intensive care units underscores the necessity for reliable tools to evaluate nurses’ ethical awareness. This study was aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Turkish version of the Ethical Awareness Scale in a sample of intensive care nurses. Data were collected from 249 intensive care nurses in Türkiye using the Turkish version of the 18-item Ethical Awareness Scale. The data were then analyzed using Rasch analysis. The (...)
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    Thomas Aquinas on Virtue.Thomas M. Osborne - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Thomas Aquinas produced a voluminous body of work on moral theory, and much of that work is on virtue, particularly the status and value of the virtues as principles of virtuous acts, and the way in which a moral life can be organized around them schematically. Thomas Osborne presents Aquinas's account of virtue in its historical, philosophical and theological contexts, to show the reader what Aquinas himself wished to teach about virtue. His discussion makes the complexities of Aquinas's (...)
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  36. Thomas Hobbes and the Ethics of Freedom.Thomas Pink - 2011 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 54 (5):541 - 563.
    Abstract Freedom in the sense of free will is a multiway power to do any one of a number of things, leaving it up to us which one of a range of options by way of action we perform. What are the ethical implications of our possession of such a power? The paper examines the pre-Hobbesian scholastic view of writers such as Peter Lombard and Francisco Suárez: freedom as a multiway power is linked to the right to liberty understood as (...)
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    (1 other version)The essential Thomas Paine.Thomas Paine - 1940 - Mineola, N.Y.: Dover Publications. Edited by John Dos Passos.
    The impassioned democratic voice of the Age of Revolution, Paine possessed a gift for stating complex ideas in concise language. This accessible collection of highlights from the social and political philosopher's best-known works includes lengthy selections from Common Sense , The American Crisis , The Rights of Man , and The Age of Reason.
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    The philosophy of Thomas Aquinas: introductory readings.Saint Thomas - 1988 - New York: Routledge. Edited by C. F. J. Martin.
    Aquinas occupies an extremely important position in the western philosophical tradition. His work contains influential contributions in logic, metaphysics, theory of knowledge, ethics and philosophy of religion, and his commentaries on Aristotle played a major role in the incorporation of the philosophy of Aristotle into the understanding of Christian doctrine and into western culture at large. Yet many people find it difficult to begin the study of Aquinas's work, daunted by its volume and by its being worked out within in (...)
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  39. Inflectional Identity.Asaf Bachrach & Andrew Nevins (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press UK.
    A recurrent issue in linguistic theory and psychology concerns the cognitive status of memorized lists and their internal structure. In morphological theory, the collections of inflected forms of a given noun, verb, or adjective into inflectional paradigms are thought to constitute one such type of list. This book focuses on the question of which elements in a paradigm can stand in a relation of partial or total phonological identity. Leading scholars consider inflectional identity from a variety of theoretical perspectives, with (...)
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    The correspondence of Thomas Reid.Thomas Reid - 2002 - University Park, Pa.: Pennsylvania State University Press. Edited by Paul Wood.
    Thomas Reid is now recognized as one of the towering figures of the Enlightenment. Best known for his published writings on epistemology and moral theory, he was also an accomplished mathematician and natural philosopher, as an earlier volume of his manuscripts edited by Paul Wood for the Edinburgh Reid Edition, Thomas Reid on the Animate Creation, has shown. The Correspondence of Thomas Reid collects all of the known letters to and from Reid in a fully annotated form. (...)
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    Essays on the Powers of the Human Mind.Thomas Reid & Dugald Stewart - 1803 - Printed for Bell & Bradfute.
    "This book describes the power of the human mind and the cognitive processes that take place through the use of our external senses. Among these cognitive processes is memory, which receives extensive coverage in the essays. The book also contains a preface section providing an account of the author's life and writings. This section is written by Dugald Stewart, who details the philosophy and publications of the deceased Thomas Reid, the book's author." (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2009 APA, all (...)
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  42. II—Thomas Baldwin.Thomas Baldwin - 2001 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 75 (1):157-174.
    [Robert Stalnaker] Saul Kripke made a convincing case that there are necessary truths that are knowable only a posteriori as well as contingent truths that are knowable a priori. A number of philosophers have used a two-dimensional model semantic apparatus to represent and clarify the phenomena that Kripke pointed to. According to this analysis, statements have truth-conditions in two different ways depending on whether one considers a possible world 'as actual' or 'as counterfactual' in determining the truth-value of the statement (...)
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  43. Thomas, Scotus, and Ockham on the Object of Hope.Thomas M. Osborne - 2020 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 87:1-26.
    Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, and William of Ockham disagree over how and whether virtues are specified by their objects. For Thomas, habits and acts are specified by their formal objects. For instance, the object of theft is something that belongs to someone else, and more particularly theft is distinct from robbery because theft is the open taking of another’s good, whereas robbery is open and violent. A habit such as a virtue or a vice shares or takes (...)
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    Thomas Manlevelt.Thomas Manlevelt - 2014 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Alfred van der Helm.
    The Questiones libri Porphirii is a commentary on Porphyry's Isagoge by the fourteenth-century logician Thomas Manlevelt. In this text early Ockhamism is being pushed to its extremes. It is edited here in full.
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    Thomas Kuhn's Quasi‐Fideism.Thomas Marré - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (6):645-661.
    I argue that Kuhn's account of scientific practice is profitably understood as a kind of hinge epistemology: like our epistemic practices more generally, scientific inquiry is made possible precisely by the fact that certain things are not subject to doubt. In Kuhn's own words, ‘dogmatism’ is essential to scientific practice and one of the primary engines of its success. For this reason, I argue that Kuhn's account is a rich source for reflection on the relationship between faith and reason. At (...)
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    The Problem of Bildung and the Basic Structure of Bildungstheorie.Thomas Rucker & Eric Dan Gerónimo - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 36 (5):569-584.
    In this article, an attempt is made to introduce a systematization of the loosely connected group of authors called Bildungstheorie. This ought to not only be of significance for German-speaking educational science, for the concept of Bildung is also increasingly used internationally for the formulation and development of pedagogical issues. It is proposed that the concept of complexity could be suitable for bringing attention to common presuppositions in the theoretical dealing with the problem of Bildung. The thesis is that Bildung (...)
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    Anti-voluntarism, natural providence and miracles in Thomas Burnet's Theory of the Earth.Thomas Rossetter - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Science 56 (1):1-20.
    In his Telluris Theoria Sacra and its English translation The Theory of the Earth (1681–90), the English clergyman and schoolmaster Thomas Burnet (c.1635–1715) constructed a geological history from the Creation to the Final Consummation, positing predominantly natural causes to explain biblical events and their effects on the Earth and life on it. Burnet's insistence on appealing primarily to natural rather than miraculous causes has been interpreted both by his contemporaries and by some historians as an essentially Cartesian principle. On (...)
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  48. Medical Killing – An Evangelical Perspective.Thomas Schirrmacher - 2003 - Christian Bioethics 9 (2-3):227-244.
    Evangelicals are unconditionally opposed to active euthanasia. Indirect euthanasia is seen as simply belonging to the risks inherent in any medical intervention. Passive euthanasia is accepted if used in order to save the dignity of the dying and is seen as merely ceasing to interfere with an irreversible dying process. The basis of evangelical ethics is the Bible supplemented by science and experience as a kind of natural law. Even though natural law comes under Biblicial revelation, its acceptance is the (...)
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    Art Education, Its Philosophy and Psychology: Selected Essays.Thomas Munro - 2023 - New York: Legare Street Press.
    Art Education, Its Philosophy and Psychology is a collection of essays by Thomas Munro, a pioneering figure in the field of art education. Munro's work laid the foundation for a new model of art education that emphasized creativity and self-expression. This book is an essential resource for art educators, students of art education, and anyone interested in the history and theory of art education. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the (...)
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    Thomas More: First and Best Apologist for Erasmus.Thomas P. Scheck - 2021 - Moreana 58 (1):75-111.
    Contrary to the legend that evolved in late sixteenth century Recusant More hagiography, of a distancing or even a breach in the spiritual and intellectual friendship between Thomas More and Erasmus of Rotterdam, the primary texts point to the persistence of an intimate bond between them. Even More's late letter to Erasmus informing him of his resignation addresses the matter of Erasmus's churchmanship and doctrinal reliability. Here we find More defending and praising the writings of Erasmus, and not merely (...)
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